Monday, April 20, 2009

Heat Wave - Pansies Planted

I heard Des Kennedy - a garden writer and humorist from Denman Island in British Columbia - give a talk last week so I thought I would include a little quote from his book, "Crazy About Gardening".  His definition of  a gardener:
"A dreamer and schemer. A paradise seeker. An eternal optimist, convinced that perfection is only one rose bush move away."

On that happy note I bought a rose bush and a few pansies in Medicine Hat after I gave a talk there last weekend and even though I heard our low temperature next week is going to be minus 11 degrees Celcius, I planted the whole works outside tonight.  A dreamer, and schemer and paradise seeker? Or perhaps just a gardener - who like a poker player measuring the odds - wanted to get her hands dirty and the season underway in one fell swoop.

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