Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Moving the Greenhouse

It's built! My hard working husband finished rebuilding the greenhouse we had to move last spring. It lay dormant in piles of numbered pieces all winter and now - unlike humpty- it is back together again. I hope to get all my tomatoes shifted from their rootrainers into the maxi-caps later this week but for now it is just good to know it is built and ready to go.

This time we put the structure on cement blocks - instead of timbers- and ran wiring and water into the greenhouse. This means I can plug in a light or heater in the shoulder seasons and take water out of the tap when the irrigation is up and running. Although this seems simple it is a great addition to what we had before and we are excited.

Meanwhile I mixed fish hydrosolate and kelp with water to give all the seedlings a boost of minerals as they are now settled in their rootrainers and busy building roots and new leaves.

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